Best in the World!
So, on the way one day to church, Lisa started crying saying she was worried that these dogs was become a god. I said, no way I don't know why you say that.

Well shortly after that I had let these dogs become a god in my life where I was putting excessive money & all my time into traveling on weekends judging beagles in Field Trial competition instead of God & family. So, I had to practically give away all my dogs. I was under the curse. God had stop blessing it. Where I was selling my dogs before from $1,500 to $5,000. I couldn't even get $150 for my best dog at the time. When God closes a door its closed. Thats why when we think we are flourishing we shouldn't think it's in our own strength or ability because He can cut it off any minute.

So today I realize, it costed me all my good little pet dogs to go try to win a trial. God will always put His finger on what we want to keep. He won't have nothing come before him.  

After going through all that conviction, repentance and giving away my dogs which at one time my dogs was my whole world & now I'm getting rid all my dogs to put God first.  Not very long after, Pastor Larry Stockstill in Baton Rouge, La. at prayed for the congregation for witty & creatives ideas & different avenues for income to help build churches around the world with Surge which is a project that Pastor Larry Stockstill received by God because of a vision God showed him. Her saw people lined up shoulder to shoulder that made 42 lines around the equator that was lost & going to hell & I'll add this, "Sounds like God to me." God has a big big vision, a world vision. For God so love the world He gave His only begotten son to die for me 7 for You, for the whole world, that none would perish but that all would receive eternal life! John 3:16

So, I received that we should start breeding Beagles & Lisa said, " You sure that is just you?" I know God wanted me to bred Beagle, but it didn't seem like it because I had Beagles before & I had to sell all my dogs because it had become a god in my life & at that time, I couldn't even sell a dog. I had to sell my best dog Queenie for $150 that was all I could get for my best dog at the time.

So, I said, let's try putting an ad in the paper and see if they will sell. So, we did & our phone literally rang off the hook & we didn't even have any puppies or grown dogs to sell because we had given them all up because we didn't want it coming for God and being a god in our life. I think God tested me to see If I would give it all up for him before He could trust me with the Beagles since I love them so much, but I can't love them more than God. He wanted to see if I was able to keep them in the right order. So once God got involved it was a different story.

So, we set out to find some Beagles & the first trip I took was in year of 2000 to Starkville, Ms. with a new anointed Beagle breeding program in mind to help build churches. We bought three females & took the Natchez Trace back for the first time & was excited to find that & we have been going back every year to the Trace ever since. I only remember Red River because the other two didn't make our breeding program. I named her Red River because she had a red head & looked a lot like our Angel B & Agel C. He didn't really want to sell Red River but i offered him more money than he ever gotten for a Beagle. He said, she was a good hunter, a super good pet & his top dog. The next day I brought them in back my house on the pipeline I wanted to see how they would do, how they would act, would they run away? So Red River wouldn't do nothing. So, I called the old man in Starkville he told me do what you have to do to get her going, you know she is a good dog because I really didn't want to sell her. It took a week to get her use to all the donkeys braying, roosters crowing and all the different sounds of the farm life we had going on at the time. But when she did get use to everything, she had the best pet personality & was the best rabbit beagle you could want with all the looks in the world.

So, the hunt was on again. I need to find a nice little male to bred her to. So, I spotted an ad in the paper, and it said, AKC X-SMALL BEAGLE PETS, BEST IN THE WORLD! So, I had Lisa call & his name was Mr. Abraham Saba, he said, He has Choclates & Tris & they were $350 which was high at the time. Lisa goes on to tell me how he kept saying. " THE BEST IN THE WORLD!" & How he had been putting those little beagles together for 50 years him & his sweet wife Mrs. Nancy Saba. I called back to see if he had any grown dogs and he said possible he would sell a male for a breeder, but he wanted a thousand dollars which was unheard of at that time, but he was very confident that he had THE BEST IN THE WORLD! So, we head out to Lacomb, La to go see what he had. Immediately Mr. Saba took a liking to us & told us he was in his 90's & could barely see but he knew we were Christians. he said, He was born just a couple miles away from where Jesus was born in the manger. He told us He had been a golden glove boxer in N.O. for years and said feel my muscles & I couldn't believe how solid this 90-year-old man's muscles were. He was still a very strong man. Mr. Saba had a huge heavy duty hog trap & was anxious to show us the biggest wild hog he had trapped on his property in the back yard. This hog was humongous it was in a solid cage & it was ramming into the pipe, bending the trap every time it hit it.  This old man had no fear but i was scared being right there with my wife & kids. Mr. Saba had guesstimated this hog to be about 800 lbs & to me it looked like he had tusked the size of an elephant.

Then we walk back to the house where he goes show me a dog, he called Poncho. He was beautiful with all the color in the world. He looked like an American flag. His black was jet black & his white was a bright pearl white & his head & shoulders was a reddish Mahogany brown. He was a bit tall around 14 inch & I was looking for a 12-inch male, but Poncho's daddy was Saba's Buster that was a beautiful 10-inch male that years later we acquired. So, have seeing Poncho's daddy we went ahead & bought Poncho on the spot & we also bought two females Flossy & Tina Girl, that was all we could afford. We used every dollar we could scrap out of our old green 1986 Ford truck. So that gave us 3 females & a male to start breeding. Few years later, The Saba's house flooded & because we had become good friends, they called us & wanted us to have their dogs which was an honor to get a call like that & that's when we got blessed with Buster & all  Mr & Mrs Saba's BEST IN THE WORLD DOGS!

Written by: Jeffrey Michel

Jeffco's Little Praise

Angel C 

We call our dogs D.O.G.'s Disciples of God. They are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole!


Our pups come pre-spoiled!

I've had several people say, "They would let their pups watch my videos. They said, our pups perk up when they hear my voice. L O L 


Bethany & Angel C

Baby D Daisy


Belva & her 12 week old son, lil bity mama


Our Beagles




Lisa's Pretty Boy

 more pics coming soon.


This is an old Picture from 2000. We lived on Perriolloux Rd.  at the time when we started breeding again. Our phone would ring off the hook for these little Beagles. They were coming mostly from Baton Rouge. I was only open for sales on Saturdays because we were busier with the Heating & Air Conditioning business at this time & I raising five kids and homeschooling & we were heavy into church. Going on Sundays & Wednesday night we'd go to bible studies.  Now, our sons Jeffrey Jr & Justin do all the Heat & A/C jobs so we do more with the dogs & ministry. Jeff Jr & Justin is doing a great job taking care of the heating & A/C work. People call all the time say they love them and would never use anyone else. Just recently, Jeff Jr & Justin both were sick with the flu and customers waited on them. That loyalty right there.

Anyway, back to this story. I would open one day a week, on Saturdays and just sit out in my driveway with my pups and cars would pull in & out all day long to get these lil beagles. We were getting $250 a pup. Gas prices was $1.50 a gallon so $250 a pup was unheard of at the time. People would pull up take 5 minutes to pick the one they wanted and leave and then when their neighbor or family would see them they'd wcall & ask if they could come get another one.

Now. Let me say this. This is what God has for us to do. This is the favor on our lives. People hear our story & try to do what we do and cant give a pup away.  We have to do what God has call us to do and not try to do what everyone else is doing.  Just cause its good for them doesn't mean it will work for you. Like I said, earlier Its not us & our strength and talents. It's all God. He gets all the glory.